Transport Information
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Several buses run in the city. You can use them to get to Dublin and travel around Ireland.

You can pay in small cash on buses, but it is more convenient and economical to buy a TFI Leap Card in a supermarket. The card costs 5 euros for adults and 3 euros for children.

Keep in mind that not every bus has the possibility to pay in cash, so it is better to buy a card. After purchase, there are already 5 Euros on the card, but I advise you to top up the balance immediately at the checkout. You can do this in the Centra and Londis supermarkets.

I also recommend that you register on the website so that it is more convenient to monitor the balance on the card.

When you get on the bus, you tell the driver your destination (Dublin, Maynooth, etc.), stick the card to the validator next to the driver, and the fare is deducted from it. You can pay for several people from one card if you notify the driver.

You can also use this card to pay for the train. You just need to attach the card to the validator at the entrance and then at the exit of the railway station.

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